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Exciting News for ExpressPlanner

Hello everyone - April has been a productive and exciting month for ExpressPlanner.
We have some news to announce in mid May - and have been continuously adding updates, and fixing bugs.

Also – ExpressPlanner has been integrated into a very popular dot-com era portal which is making a comeback with it's re-release in May! Unfortunately I cannot disclose the name of the organization until they make their release - but I did help rebuild the portal on top of integrating expressplanner for the events component.

Keep checking back here and I will post a link to the announcement!

Other than that – I have taken over all marketing and development tasks for ExpressPlanner. I’m currently working on a 'puzzle' graph showing how ExpressPlanner can seamlessly integrate into an event planner (or organization's) existing setup.

I’ve had a problem getting the point across to event planners and event planning companies that they can totally drop cvent, regonline, constant-contact, etc and use ExpressPlanner at no cost to them. I.E. If you are planning someone's event and need to do email marketing, create a lead generation form, send out surveys, create an online-registration system, and all the other things expressplanner does -- why would you pay for something when you have a free web based tool at your fingertips.

I would think that by doing this they would make a larger profit… any ideas? Send me an email or post a comment to this posting. (

Other than that - I am looking into new strategic partnerships so if you are interested or know of potential opportunities - send an email my way!


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